An initial meeting to discuss my usual ceremony structure and what you want for your day. We can either meet at a coffee shop or bar (or anywhere with croissants you’d recommend) or meet via FaceTime/Zoom if that’s more convenient.
Full contact throughout the process – all I ask of you as my client is communication. If something is on your mind of you have any questions, just give me a call any time.
I supply a PA system (very reliable Bose S1).
Wedding certificate - this is the fancy one you keep somewhere special in your house. Should you wish to change your name, I will email you a link to the government website to obtain the official certificate.
Vows card – if writing your own personal vows is something you wish to do, I’ll get you to email them to me so I can print them and have them ready. Trust me, this is just one less thing for you to think about.

As well as the standard inclusions, you will get:
• A helping hand if you’d like to write your own vows but don’t know what to say (very common)
• Full ceremony draft for you to review, including your backstory as a couple plus the boring legal stuff
• Palm cards for your personal vows, which you can keep following the big day.
• A written personalised ceremony that ill send to you a few weeks out to read over.. As well as a few "traditional" things i still think have a place at a wedding. I just put a modern spin onto them
• Full ceremony timeframe is roughly 20 minutes.

A Intimate Ceremony for 2-10 guests
• For those who just want a short and sweet style ceremony. No story needed. Just the legal side of things taken care off.

• If your wedding venue is more than 50km away from Northgate, QLD, a travel fee of $100.00 will apply in addition to the above price.
• If your wedding venue is more than 100km away from Northgate, QLD, a travel fee of $1/km will apply in addition to the above price.
• A 50% non-refundable deposit is payable to lock in your date. The balance must be paid 14 days prior to your wedding date.
• Should you need to change your date but its still legally possible to get married on your original date, then an additional fee of 50% of your initial quote will be payable if the new date is a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. For any other days, the fee is 30%. If you are changing the date because of legal or government restrictions preventing all weddings, no date change fee is applicable.
• If unanticipated circumstances mean that I cannot perform your ceremony or find you a referral, you will receive a full refund.